
Caitlyn Jenner Criticized for Opposing Trans Girls in Sports Amid Run for California Governor

Shortly after Caitlyn announced her entry into the run for the Governor of California, she made a controversial comment opposing the participation of trans girls in sports. The television star is currently facing a massive backlash for the comment, and netizens are severely criticizing her, attributing it to her rich and elitist status in society. […]


How To Help Your Pet Readjust As The Pandemic Is Nearing The End

As the pandemic hit humankind, the most thrilled was, of course, their pets. The dogs were quite excited that they got to spend a lot of quality time with their owner and got pampered all day long. But as many countries started lifting off the Covid restrictions, dogs weren’t happy anymore. Kelly Hartog, a journalist […]


No Masks Required

Even when the threat of the Covid-19 virus prevails, the five U.S. states – Texas, Mississippi, Iowa, Montana, and North Dakota, decided to drop their mask mandates soon. The states would join the other 11 states that didn’t make the masks mandate. The 11 states are Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South […]


What is The #MeToo Movement All About?

“Tell your story. Shout it. Write it. Whisper it if you have to. But tell it. Some won’t understand it, and some will outright reject it. But many will thank you for it. And then the most magical thing will happen. One by one, voices will start whispering, ‘Me, too.’ And your tribe will gather. […]


Newsom’s Example For Californians

Last week, California Governor Gavin Newsom attended a birthday party for fellow political advisor Jason Kinney. While this statement would sound completely normal had the world not been reeling under a pandemic, in the current scenario it comes across as careless on part of the governor and his wife Jennifer Siebel Newsom. What is even […]


Leaving California

Who in their wildest dreams would have thought that bad governance would ruin the livability in California? This state has always been a popular choice among people looking to build their lives and careers. Known for its stunning natural setup, enviable weather, and warm people, California was once everyone’s dream location. But the sudden outflux […]


Vaping Vs Tobacco

COVID 19, a primarily respiratory disease, has become the cause of a Pandemic. At this time, other sources of respiratory diseases like smoking or vaping increase the chances of contracting the virus. However, the recent campaigns against e-cigarette seem to create a binary between smoking tobacco and vaping. The worst fact about this circumstance is […]

90mph on the Freeway Has Never Been So Easy

As the COVID-19 pandemic keeps getting worse, the bustling public life has come to a halt. On 13th March 2020, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency in response to the exponential growth in cases of Covid-19. After the declaration of emergency, states called for a shelter-at-home order, which significantly reduced the number of people […]


San Francisco – Stay At Home Orders, Citations, and How Businesses Endure

Compared to cities like New York the numbers of infected coronavirus cases and related deaths in San Francisco are relatively low, however the city and it’s people have been feeling the full brunt of the Shelter in Place order that has been imposed by the city government. As of Saturday April 4, San Francisco reported […]


How to Get a Star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame

There’s a $40,000 bill to consider before you submit a proposal for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and a wait-list longer than the current 2,500+ stars that are enshrined on the sidewalks in Southern California’s legendary attraction. Now, $40,000 may seem like a lot but in reality you’re essentially buying real-estate that […]